Start Today with A Glass of Water Water plays an enormous role in the overall health of your body. It is recommended to drink 8, 8-ouce glasses every day to maintain proper functioning of the body. Drinking water first thing in the morning can help to purify your internal system which allows better absorption of […]
Sunshine and Vitamin D
Sunshine in Pittsburgh means summertime is near. It’s almost bikini season, a time to get outside to enjoy the outdoors and for me, it provides one more way to get Vitamin D by soaking up the sun. According to numerous health bloggers and tweeters, this is one vitamin that people who live in a “grey […]
Stay Healthy this Holiday
As the holidays draw closer, the excitement of spending time with loved ones is contagious, but we can’t deny the potential effect all of the delicious and tempting foods can have on our waistlines. Moderation is key to maintain a healthy lifestyle while still enjoying the occasional treat. [Tweet this!] During the holidays, it can […]
Keeping Children Healthy with Chiropractic Care
Childhood is a difficult process, filled with bumps and bruises, falls and twists. As your child grows, he or she may experience growing pains or mental and physical impairments that require more attention. As parents, we look for answers that don’t include medication or medical care. Increasingly, parents are finding these answers in chiropractic care. […]
4 Steps To A Healthier Lifestyle
Living a healthy lifestyle can be overwhelming. While scanning the web for health facts and ideas, it is easy to get lost in the how-to’s of living the best life. And, we all know that going from zero to 100% dedication brings about the risk of giving up and surrendering to all of the unhealthy […]
Chiropractic Care for Runners
Just a few weeks ago, hundreds of runners took to the streets of Pittsburgh the Pittsburgh Marathon and Half-Marathon. It was an exciting day for many participants, who woke up the morning of the race, did their final stretching and carb-loading, laced up their shoes, joined the crowd and ultimately culminated their months of hard […]